Me back in... I think it's due to her thyroid and the slight funk she had. I think it was the same funk Gator had, but I was bad for a bit and had run out of gloves when cleaning his funk... I think I must have come home and scratched her rumpus without washing my hands really well. Bad mommy. It is continuing to look better (this pic is actually a week old) and I see some more growth. She really does hate my bothering with it though, even just looking at it. And, she just has to be cold there! In time I hope it fills in...
Okay, next...
She moved me. Again. Now, I'm a pretty easy going guy and all, but sheesh!
It was better than last time though. I had some warning, she came by checked me over, packed up my stuff so I could watch while munching my hay. I also got to say bye to my buddies. I do miss those guys... Anyways, I had my own paddock when I got there. It's much easier to check things out when I'm not running from someone grumpy about my appearing in their field...
The trip wasn't too bad pretty short, we never went too fast either. No rough stops or starts.
I was ready to get off the trailer to see where I was once we parked; it didn't smell familiar. I unloaded on the road, which wasn't busy of course, and walked down the long lane with mom, past some horses to the barn. Two girls ran over, a bay and a gray, they were kinda cute. There was a gray gelding in their field with them that didn't leave his hay, I don't blame him and another chesnut gelding in the riding ring who didn't give me more than a look.
First thing I noticed is there is grass at this place! Even right now! Mom walked me over to this little... shed thing, which was fenced in. Something smelled funny there so I was interested. All of a sudden a white, very short horse (or was it a dog?) with horns popped it's head out! Then, in the strangest accent it said 'Maaahh'! I was slightly taken aback, but mostly at the accent and I'm not it's 'Ma'. Then a peppered black and white head popped out and they said more to me in their strange accent and language. They were weird, but there was grass.
Mom let me hand graze next to the weird smelling horned dogs for a few minutes, and kept telling me I was a good boy. Then she put me in my paddock which shares a fence line with the odd accented horned dogs. I got hay and forgot them.
I watched mom fuss over moving my stuff she'd packed up into her new locker, and mygrain into the hay/grain room chatting with the new people. I called to see if I knew anyone at this joint a few times but my hay was good. I wasn't too worried. I could see the guy in the riding ring well, the other three some of the time and they'd talk to me when I talked to them. Mom hung around and talked to me, watched me, put my salt thing up in my stall and cleaned my bucket.
Mom left for a little while and came back. She brought my BLANKET!!! OMG! That hussy has been holding out on me! Oh, I nickered at my blanket as soon as I saw it! She dusted it off, and I watched longingly. I sniffed it and helped shimmy it down my neck and back as soon as she offered. Oooooh that was nice! Hot DOG I have my blanket on! Good thing too, mom said something about the 20's tonight, I think that's cold. She gave some treats, hung up one of my horse lolipops in my stall (mmmmm). And talked more with the barn owner about my food. I like when the people are all on the same page about my food. I like my food.
The new people are nice. They fed me and put me in a nice stall, a little smaller than I'm used to but nice! I had my blanket on and my food so I wasn't complaining.
Mom came by this morning. The new people had already fed and turned me out with hay in my paddock, next to the smelly horned dogs. I'm not really scared of the smelly horned dogs, but I'm suspicious. Today they came out and were playing and lounging in the sun. What weirdos! They butt their heads together and rake their horns on the wire on the inside of their pen! That sounds funny... just like their accents... anyways though, this seems okay. Mom seems happy and she fussed over me a bit this morning, interupting my hay but no one took it while I was gone and she gave me carrots. That was alright.
Did I mention though that I have my blanket on?
That's me pre-blanket... the snow had melted as the sun popped out here and there. Down there is the smelly horned dog shed.
See my blanket? See me watching the smelly horned dogs? They came out of their shed this morning... they just better not come get my hay.
No, seriously... what are they doing?
So... it went well and safely which is most important. He seems happy and I'm glad to have him there. I really am. He's closer by 5-10 minutes, will have one herdmate once they're settled who is the other new older gelding who apparently doesn't care about much. Perfect! Oh and not to mention I really like these people and their son. Here's to hoping the third time is the charm!
Happy Valentines Day!