I am, though, glad she is actually happy to SEE people. The little terrified 4 month old who had obviously been beaten, severely, when we met, has really transformed. That's a pretty good feeling that she was SO happy to see people, the species who so very much abused her early on in her life. They know a lot more about forgiveness than we do, don't they? I hope Miss Lily is always so happy but she doesn't making spraining her wig-wag something regular.
Autumn was three legged Sunday morning (as most people reading this probably already know). I presume she and Lily played too hard Saturday night OR in the night she jumped off the bed/ran down the stairs in a less that optimal way, while I slept. Doc doesn't think it's her cruciate (thank the heavens!)and she was using it yesterday afternoon after being crated all day and taking her Rimadyl. She continues to improve. Limiting her for the rest of the week is going to be tough but she's handled it surprisingly well for her level of hyper.
Gator's butt is looking grand. I MEANT to take pics of it. I will tomorrow. I swear. I'm shocked at how much hair is already coming back in. :) I might actually try cantering him with just the bareback pad this week or weekend... yeah... that was my goal for the summer. Sunday I realized, I am ready to do it. I think. I'll let you know.
Finally... today is always a rough day... August 4th. It's been 13 years since I lost my Paw-paw today. Exactly HALF my life has passed without him in it, as of today. That's really hard for me to believe. He is and was my hero. The farm looks so different now from when I was a kid but I'll never forget it. I can't even start to recount everything he taught me there. I can still hear him say 'Hey, Baby!' and see him light up. I was the youngest grandchild... or am. He never meant to favor me but he doted on me and I just adored him. Still do. I know he's still with me - I swear on more than one occasion since his passing, he's been my guardian angel.
The day we lost him, my life was truly never the same. I never told him, that I can remember, that I loved him. I finally accepted that he knew, because I don't remember him telling me he loved me either, but I knew. Without a doubt. He wasn't a man of many words, so they weren't necessary. I loved that about him. I was the last person he spoke to - 'Hey, Baby!' The nurse said he hadn't been able to do more than whisper 'yes' or 'no' but I got to hear him say that one last time... I know what he meant.
I miss you Paw-paw. With all my heart. Every day.

That is one of my favorite pictures of all time, by the way. Yes. I have a mullet. I had no say in it, I was five. I blame my mother and my disdain for having my hair untangled. That was somehow the 'compromise' haircut. Despite that, I love this picture. I now own that hoe myself and use it in my garden. He said it was 'ours'. It always will be... until I see you again...
Glad all the "kids" are on the mend.Hopefully Miss Lily can maintain her joy without getting another sprained tail(hehe can't help it too happy) Autumn, give her a big old hug from me , what a doll!
ReplyDeleteI love the tribute to your Paw Paw , he sounds like a wonderful man! forever in your heart and part of the wonderful person you are .
AB- how sweet and fitting. It is a circle of love.
ReplyDeleteTo your paw-paw.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to your love for him, and his, for you.
Thanks guys. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat tribute to your paw-paw. I loved my grandfather dearly and still get sad when I think of his passing. Hugs dear friend.