Friday, September 25, 2009

The new saddle

That arrived to my house yesterday. 17.5" seat, Extra Wide Tree, Arabian Saddle Company Rubicon Demo and also prototype. It's in great shape. I was hesitant about the color but he looked stunning with it on. It also seemed, from the ground and without having sweat marks to be sure, to fit well. It's about half as light as my current saddle, which is AWESOME because I lug it back and forth to my house and the barn. Yeah, there's a tack 'room' at the barn - an old locked barn/shed. However, I'm rather, um, OCD about leather care and the humidity and temperature fluctuations in Southeastern Virginia is not to be trusted with leather. I'll look silly for a bit until I replace all my fittings with black but I don't care if it fits him and I in all other ways. I'm excited. He has a slightly loose shoe and his feet are due so I didn't ride him last night. My boys conformation isn't great in his front feet and when he's long I worry about injury and for trying this saddle out, I want him to be 100% comfortable. I don't want to blame his way of going on anything but the saddle - good or bad.

I'll take more pics this weekend - maybe with me ON him. That would be new. I don't think I have a single picture of me riding him. That needs to change. Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh... and I have a 17.5" Wide Arabian Saddle Company Elan in Havana Brown Buffalo Leather for sale if you're interested ;)


  1. It looks great! I cant wait to see it on him! When ever I get a new saddle Im always chomping at the bit to try it out, for me its like Christmas in a box, when they first arrive!! Happy riding!

  2. I'm very excited - him needing reshod has made me tamper my excitement. I do keep petting it. :)

  3. Dang, sorry I missed this!
    have a great weekend, AB!

    awww, pretty, pretty saddle!
    off to stare at it again.

    sigh, have a great ride, oh, BOY!!
    (silly, happily dancing off)
    Gator has a new saddle...
    Hope the farrier shows up ASAP!

  4. OOOh nice saddle :)
    Dont worry too much about matching...heheh
    my western saddle is tan/chestnut, my breast collar is black and the bridle im using is brown. Huh.


    Its be-oo-tee-ful I say. Glad it fits grood!!!!!

  5. Looks like a good saddle ,glad you got it !

  6. How much are you asking for the used Elan saddle?

    email me at

    Thanks :)
