That is my uncle on my dad's favorite horse, Chic. I don't know her registered name but I plan to. I love this picture. I never met that horse but I wish I had. That is the only horse I've ever really heard my dad talk much about.
He would not tell me horse stories. He wanted me far from horses. He would occasionally take me to my grandfathers' barn as a kid on holidays. I think he knew his mistake when I was placed on a horse the first time. I understand why now and he blames the horses for what wasn't their fault and how his dad treated him. I won't go there.
I remember being at either a softball game or practice and he was approached by one of the kids mom's. She told him she thought she had his old mare. His name was on her registration papers. He LIT UP upon hearing his old mare was still alive.
This mare lived to be either close to or in her 40's apparently. I remember my dad quietly called the lady to inquire more about how the mare was doing... I had hoped he'd go see her. I wanted to go. He didn't. I wish he'd have gone... I'd like to think he wishes he'd have gone.
He told me the story of breaking her. Hopped on and went on a trail ride. That's how they broke them - sandwiched between two 'been their done that' horses. I guess she was un-sandwiched at some point because she was doing so well. At some point a flock of doves flew up RIGHT under her nose, she reared. My dad told me he just stepped out of the stirrup, she flipped. She luckily was okay but a bit shaken and they took it easy back home. He said she was a great mare. I believe him.
He had finally started asking if I was going for rides lately. Truly interested. In my whole life he'd never brought up horses TO ME. I nervously told him this weekend I was a new horse owner. He took it pretty well. I look forward to introducing he and my uncle to my horse. They both were farriers for awhile, as was my grandfather - my uncle insists I learn how to shoe/trim. I'd like that. I'm happy to finally be able to share horses with my dad, even if it's just a little bit. I know he loved them, I got him to begrudgingly admit it once. I'd be in heaven if we could take a trail ride together...
Thats such a beautiful story Autumn.
ReplyDeleteI think she's lovely... I didn't see a pic of her until I was into my 20's. Just remembered the story... They bred some nice QH's actually... I should post a pic of their stud. It's not as good as this one of Chic, also my uncle riding.
ReplyDeleteOh, and thanks.
ReplyDeleteOpen the door, girl.
ReplyDeleteNice horse, I so hope this give you and your dad that opportunity . It would be wonderful !
ReplyDeleteOh, AB.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
I hope for more..
Gatorly Scritches!
I'd give anything for him to no be judgemental and angry when he talks about them. He has good reasons though...
ReplyDeleteIt took me by surprise when he asked if I was going for a ride weekend before last. I gushed about riding that morning and he listened. :)
He got a bit judgemental when I told him I owned Gator. Even asked his age and said something about at 15 he won't live that long... thanks Dad. But, I pointed out it's one of the only things I ahve here that I feel at home, that takes me back and he said nothing else. At least nothing else hurtful or about money or not getting to enjoy them for doing all the work... I choked up. He didn't say anything but I know he heard it in my voice.
And thanks guys...
ReplyDeleteAb- my Dad was the same way speaking to me, very critical and judgmental. I will tell you it is coming from a different place in him. He is worried for his little girl. He maybe reliving old hurts, too.
ReplyDeleteIf he comes around, great. I have a feeling it is opening a door for the both of you. If not, try not to let it rain on your parade.
Free Fall, baby.
You are exactly right and I know that. I think he'll be proud if he ever came to watch me ride... I think it's just such a sore subject for him that he was sheilding me. Thing is it's not the horses that I needed to be sheilded from... it's just easier to blame them.