Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Crackberry woes

Yup... I can post but I can't comment. HOW does that make sense? I thought ncc had trouble commenting from her BB? I'll figure it out :). I can read blogs just no commenting.

Oh & we are all well by the way:)


  1. I can comment from my BB. On my own blog it is more difficult. andy one elses , subsscribe to email comments ,when you want to comment ,click on post (you may be redirected to sign in) then enlage the screen and post away.Thats how it works on mine I have a BB Flip

  2. I have the Pearl, big mistake, doesn't work Just wish we had AT&T and I would go Iphone

  3. Hmmmm... not the Pearl but it is a Verizon phone. Maybe it's the service not hte phone?

  4. AB,
    Figure this one out soon as I miss you! Plus, you have to go my blog to see Sputnik's baby pictures.
